Source code for pycirk.results

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 27 09:26:43 2017

Description: module to perform results analysis

Scope: Modelling the Circular Economy in EEIO

@author:Franco Donati
@institution:Leiden University CML, TU Delft TPM
import warnings
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame as df
from pandas import MultiIndex as mi
import numpy as np
from pycirk.positions import make_coord_array as coord
from pycirk.positions import single_position as sing_pos
from pycirk.fundamental_operations import Operations as ops
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

[docs]def iter_thru_for_results(data, analysis_specs, scen_no, labels): """ It uses your analytical specification on scenarios.xlxl to return a dataframe of the desired results """ results = [] for l, v in analysis_specs.iterrows(): res = retrieve_specified_data(data, v, labels) if len(results) == 0: results = res else: results = pd.concat([results, res], axis=0) if scen_no not in [0, "baseline", "base", None]: results.columns = ["sc_" + str(scen_no)] else: results.columns = ["baseline"] return results
[docs]def retrieve_specified_data(data, spec_row, labels): """ Separate, collect and rename results for base and scenarios according to specifications under th sheet "analysis" in scenarios.xls data = any IOT table spec_row = row in the scenarios sheet specifying settings """ pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.4f}'.format M_name = spec_row.matrix # matrix of reference if "Cr" in M_name: data = ops.calculate_characterized(data) M = np.array(data[M_name]) # Call specific matrix from which to select spec_labels = labels.identify_labels(M_name) reg_labels = spec_labels["reg_labels"] row_labels = spec_labels["i_labels"] column_labels = spec_labels["g_labels"] no_row_labs = spec_labels["no_i"] no_col_labs = spec_labels["no_g"] no_reg_labs = spec_labels["no_reg"] i_cat = spec_row.o_p # rows i_reg = spec_row.o_r g_cat = spec_row.d_p # columns g_reg = spec_row.d_r try: cat_o = sing_pos(i_cat, row_labels) reg_o = sing_pos(i_reg, reg_labels) # Column items (g) => Consumption / manufacturing activity cat_d = sing_pos(g_cat, column_labels) reg_d = sing_pos(g_reg, reg_labels) # Identify coordinates i = coord(cat_o, reg_o, no_reg_labs, no_row_labs) g = coord(cat_d, reg_d, no_reg_labs, no_col_labs) except UnboundLocalError: raise ValueError(f"\nThe specified coordinates to retrieve results are wrong.\nPlease check that name and matrix in your scenarios.xlsx file are correct.\nCheck: {M_name, i_cat}") if "tot" in M_name: select = df([M[i].sum()]) else: select = df([M[np.ix_(i, g)].sum()]) key_names = ["matrix", "i_category", "i_region", "g_category", "g_region", "unit"] try: unit = str(row_labels.unit[cat_o].iloc[0]) except Exception: unit = str(row_labels.unit[0]) index_label = [M_name, i_cat, i_reg, g_cat, g_reg, unit] select.index = mi.from_tuples([index_label], names=key_names) return select